75 JavaScript Tools And Plugins


Force.js: a JavaScript library that makes it simple to animate HTML elements and navigate around a web page.

lax.js: A small, vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating smooth scrolling animations.

anime.js: JavaScript Animation Engine.

Velocity: Accelerated JavaScript animation.

Bideo.js: a JavaScript library that makes it very easy to add fullscreen background videos to web pages.

Popmotion: JavaScript motion engine. Use for animation, physics and input tracking.

Aos: Animate on scroll library.

ScrollReveal: Declarative on-scroll reveals animations.

Skrollr: Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile and desktop.

Mo.js: Motion graphics library for the web.

simpleParallax: A tiny JavaScript library that adds parallax animation to any image.


Video.js: Universal video embed.

Player.js: A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player.

jPlayer: HTML5 Audio and Video for jQuery.

Fit Vid.js: A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.

Vide: Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.

Flowplayer: The HTML5 video player for the web.

Popcorn Js: The HTML5 Media Framework.


Loud Links: A lightweight JavaScript library for adding interaction sounds to your website. It does this by creating an HTML5 audio element and using it to play MP3 or OGG audio files.

Howler.js: JavaScript audio library for the modern web.

Tone.js: A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.

Wavesurfer.js: Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas.

Sound Manager 2: A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4, and HTML5 audio.

Amplitudejs: A JavaScript library to design your media controls in your webpage.

Vexflow: A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.

Sound JS: A JavaScript library for working with Audio.


Pixi.js: Super-fast HTML5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas feedback.

Phaser: Phaser is a light-weight 2D game framework for making HTML5 games.

Babylon.js: A complete Javascript framework for building 3D games.

Matter.js: A 2D rigid body physics engine for the web.

Egret Core: It a brand new open mobile game and application engine.

Melon JS: A fresh and lightweight JavaScript game engine.

Crafty: It a JavaScript game library.

Engine: Fast and lightweight JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and glTF.

Planck.js: 2D JavaScript Physics Engine.


Shave.js: A modern JavaScript plugin for truncating text within an html element.

Quill: A cross browser rich text editor with an API.

Cleave.js: Help you format input text content automatically.

jQuery Validation: jQuery Validation Plugin.

Selectize.js: The hybrid of a textbox and <select> box.

Parsley.js: Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of JavaScript.

Fine Uploader: Multiple file upload plugin with process-bar, drag-and-drop.

Pickadate.js: Lightweight jQuery date selector with multi-language support.

Application tools

Choreographer.js: A simple library to take care of complicated animations.

Moveable: A JavaScript library that lets you move, resize, drag, rotate and more.

React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Vue: Intuitive, fast and composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces.

Next.js: A lightweight framework for static and server-rendered applications.

Angular: It is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web.

CurrencyFormatter.js: A super simple currency formatting library (155 currencies & 7KB gzipped).

Svelte: JavaScript animation engine.

Redux: Predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

Meteor: An ultra-simple, pure JavaScript web framework.


Three.js: JavaScript 3D library.

Creepyface: A JavaScript library that makes your face “look” at the cursor, based on position.

Focus Overlay: A library for creating overlays on focused elements.

Swiper: Mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions.

Fabric.js: JavaScript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) Parser.

Aframe: A web framework for building virtual reality experiences.

Html2canvas: Screenshots of JavaScript.

SVGO: SVGO is a Nodejs-based tool optimizing SVG vector graphics files.

Chart.js: JavaScript Animation Engine.

Flowy: A minimal JavaScript library you can use to create flowcharts.


Glimmer: A great library that helps with UI components and DOM rendering.

LegraJS: A library that enables you to draw with LEGO-like bricks.

Paged.js: An open-source library for paginating content in the browser.

Flatpickr: Written in vanilla JavaScript, flatpickr is lightweight datetimepicker and calendar solution.

Reveal.js: The HTML presentation Framework.

Leaflet: JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

Uppy: A sleek, modular file uploader that integrates with any website or app.

Impress.js: A presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms.

JS PDF: Generated PDF files in JavaScript.

Intro.js: A better way for new feature introduction for your website project.

Textblock: A JavaScript tool for displaying continuously responsive typography.

MailtoUI: A script that adds a helpful UI component to standard email links.